What Are The Signs That You Need Hormone Replacement Therapy?

Are you experiencing unexplained weight gain, persistent fatigue, or sudden mood swings? These could be signs that your body is signaling for hormone replacement therapy (HRT). In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the subtle yet crucial indicators that suggest it might be time to consider HRT. Understanding these signs is essential for maintaining hormonal balance and reclaiming vitality.

What is hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for women?

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) has emerged as a revolutionary medical breakthrough designed to aid in mitigating the disruptive side effects associated with fluctuating estrogen and hormones. In short, the process involves supplementing hormones in the body to address imbalances or deficiencies that a client may be experiencing.

Why is HRT prescribed?

Hormones play a crucial role in a number of routine bodily functions, and when these hormone levels begin to fluctuate or decline, individuals may experience a range of negative side effects. Thankfully, HRT helps in the process to restore hormonal balance, easing symptoms and enhancing the clients overall quality of life.

signs you need HRT

When is HRT prescribed?

When hormones are imbalanced, it can result in a number of painful or irritating long term side effects that are commonly experienced during menopause. While treatment is more commonly prescribed for those experiencing the changes that come with age, treatment can also be recommended for younger patients who are struggling through imbalances or uncommon medical conditions.

Signs that you need to ask your doctor about HRT

Do you think that HRT may be the solution for you? Worried about low estrogen levels?  If so, consider if any of the below listed indicators are present and seek medical guidance if you believe it’s right for you. 

1) You’re around 40 years old, and started menopause symptoms

Once women begin to approach the age of 40, pre menopause symptoms may begin to reflect in the daily parts of life. Anything from hot flashes, irregular sleep cycles, significant mood changes or fluctuations with the regularity, severity, or length of a period can point to an imbalance of hormones. 

2) You notice mood swings, or symptoms of anxiety and depression

A common indicator that HRT may be needed is the fluctuation of moods a person experiences. Irritability, anxiety, depression, and rapid mood changes can all be indicative of a hormone imbalance that can be corrected through proper treatment. 

3) You’ve begun experiencing hot flashes and night sweats 

SImilar to a rapid change in mood, potential patients may feel like they can't quite cool off while trying to catch some shut eye. An imbalance in hormones can often be reflected with the presence of night sweats, as well as hot flashes throughout the day. If you feel like you’re burning up from the inside, it may be time to speak with a provider about hormone replacement therapy.  

4) Chronic vaginal dryness, itching, or painful intercourse

While many aspects of our sexual health may change as we age, there are still conditions that are considered abnormal and may point to a bigger problem. During times of hormone imbalance, vaginal dryness, painful intercourse, or frequent itching or irritation may point to larger issues. If one or all of these occur, consider discussing HRT options with your medical professional. 

5) Protection against aging disease like osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s

In the event that you may be at risk for aging diseases such as Alzheimer’s or osteoporosis, it may be advantageous to see if HRT can act as a line of defense. Whether it runs within your family or not, it doesn't hurt to discuss your options and protect the integrity of your bone density, as well as the clarity of your mind.  

6) You’ve noticed hair loss or thinning

Lastly, a frequent side effect of hormone imbalances usually manifests itself in a change of hair density or texture. Lair loss, or a significant change in the density of a person's hair can be a clear sign that their hormones are not where they should be. If you find yourself struggling with a noticeable change in hair growth, it may be worth discussing your treatment options through HRT. 

Balanced Health & Wellness offers HRT for both men and women!

Take charge of your health and wellbeing at Balanced Health & Wellness. We offer blood tests in our office, and create a personalized treatment plan for you if HRT is a viable option for any of your concerns. With multiple treatment options, we’ll be sure to find out the right plan that works for you!


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